Back to Year 1998 Tributes - Scooter

Scooter, 01/30/98

Scooter was a beautiful, affectionate orange kitty who lived at the Idaho Humane Society for the last 5 years of his life. He was found shot near the Boise, ID, airport and was paralyzed by the bullet that severed his spinal cord. Because he needed special care (he had to have his bladder expressed several times a day and was unable to control bowel movements), he was deemed unadoptable, yet he was such an affectionate little guy that no-one at the shelter had the heart to euthanize him.

He was named Scooter because he got around the building by scooting. He became a fixture at the shelter, entertaining school children, volunteers, and staff with his silly behavior and providing a valuable lesson on why being kind to animals. On the evenings we had volunteer training, Scooter would visit each new volunteer, hoping for (and getting!) some attention. Scooter had a bed in each office and toys galore and he became one of the most pampered pets I know! Despite his paralysis, he loved to catch mice and could terrorize any small dog within his territory. He was also strong enough to pull himself up and many of the staff would come in their offices to see Scooter sitting happily in a chair looking full of himself.

Usually cats with this type of paralysis only live about 2 years, but because of good care from the shelter staff and the shelter clinic, Scooter lived an extra 3. He had to be euthanized last week, though, because his bladder and bowels had ceased functioning.

Scooter was cremated and his ashes will be buried under a tree on the shelter grounds. I expect many people will come to Scooter's memorial service. And many more will probably visit his grave.

Scooter, I'm so glad I got to know you. I hope that you are happily chasing butterflies under a warm blue sky.
