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Message Board HTML Info for Photos

Here is a brief breakdown of the HTML code that is used to display photos on the Message Board.

The portions of the code below in red are always the same & must be entered 100% correctly or the photo will not appear.:

<img border=0 src="https://www.fileaddress/filename&type" />

The portion below in red is the Internet address of where you have stored your photo. Your address will be different from the example of course.

<img border=0 src="https://www.fileaddress/filename&type" />

The portion below in red is where you put the name & filetype of your photo. This too will be different from the example.
(JPG is the preferred file type because the image files can be compressed & save a lot of space & load time.)

<img border=0 src="https://www.fileaddress/filename&type" />  

As an example, this is the correct HTML code to display a photo named edw.jpg that is stored on the message board photo webspace.

<img border=0 src="" />

Note: For the new Message Board you need to be in HTML mode when entering the code for your image.
Click on the button just above the text entry area that says "HTML" to go into HTML mode & again to go back to regular entry mode after inserting the HTML code.