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For pet names beginning with "A".

Abby Dabby, 10/6/2017 Small Cam

My baby "Abby Dabby" you were my world.  You were there for me through many hard times.  I wish I could have made you well and it broke my heart to watch you suffer and deteriorate.  It is with love that I needed to let you go and be free of pain.  I love you always. 

Ashley Fedus, 3/18/98 - 7/10/17 Small Cam

Every night I looked forward to you crawling onto my chest. Burrowing your head under my chin like the infant I wasn’t destined to have. The last nine years have been harsh, and some days it was tough to count my blessings. But then all I needed was to look at you - those beautiful eyes, that tiny face, the sweetness that poured from your mouth and I thanked the Lord. I thanked Joe McAuley for bringing you to me May 27, 1998. And, remember vividly the day I brought you home. Within one hour of settling yourself in to your new surroundings you disappeared! Later to be found behind the books on the top shelf no less. Unlike Smokey, you weren’t curious about the outside world. Never wandering past the front door unless I was with you. Until the day I thought I had lost you. Nighttime fell and as I tearfully looked out my second story window I saw your amber eyes glowing in the dark as you navigated across rooftops. Your dexterity never ceased to amaze me. I was equally amazed, but freaked, when you proudly presented me with a hummingbird dangling out of your mouth! Like Philippe Petit, you mastered the walk across the curtain rods – while Smokey was secretly jealous. I almost renamed you Godzilla the day I brought Smokey home. You stood up on your 10 weeks old tiny hind legs and with front paws and claws outstretched, hissed and snarled. Smokey didn’t care, he stood his ground and maintained that look that said to everyone who met him, you’re going to fall in love with me – I guarantee it! And, you did. You were such a great travel buddy, never a peep or complaint. Everyone awed whenever I pulled you out of your travel bag. If you were sugar, the markets couldn’t restock quickly enough. And, the best little spooner I ever slept with. Your will to live, fighting back against the fleas who vigorously tried to end your life was miraculous. And the last four years tolerating vet visits, the poking and prodding, stoically battling kidney disease while recently turning a positive corner assured me that you’d go to any length to stick around. I believed you’d make it to at least 20. To lose you to something completely unexpected was devastating. You’re gone but I see you everywhere and can still feel you crawling onto my chest burrowing your little head under my chin. Give Smokey & Lambchop a little snuggle from me. I’ll see you in Heaven my fur-babies.

Audrey Vaught, 12/08/03 - 01/09/17 Small Cam

At age 5 Audrey was diagnosed with immune mediated thrombocytopenia (ITP)  but after a 8 days in the hospital  and several blood transfusions finally got to bring her home.  At age 10 the platelet disorder returned after having dental work done and spent 2 1/2 weeks at blue pearl animal  hospital  in Louisville Kentucky. We never gave up and I finally got to bring my baby girl back home once again.  She's a fighter after surviving two episodes especially at age 10. Three years passed and for the most part she was doing  very well until on December 30, 2016 she was diagnosed with chronic renal failure. Started the subcutaneous IV fluid treatments at the hospital and her labs did improve so I thought that I might get some more time with my baby girl.  However, after bringing her home for a few days she began to develop edema in her abdomen and begin to show very little interest in food.  On Monday morning as I got her ready to take her back to the animal hospital I took a picture of her wrapped in a new blanket that her aunt Sandy gave her.   I cried as I knew that I probably would not be bringing her back home as I could tell she was getting weaker everyday.  We arrived at the hospital and after more labs and another ultrasound things had gotten worse.  It was obvious that we had no more options and no more hope and I just couldn't take her home when she wasn't eating and so lethargic. So at 6:15 PM on January 9th, 2017 she passed peacefully in my arms as I whispered into her ear her favorite thing " Audrey go bye bye" and "Audrey go for a ride."   It was only a few short moments that I could feel her body become lifeless as I held her and cried.  After 13 years and one month we took our last ride together.
RIP Audrey, daddy ❤'s you! My life will never be the same.

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